Are you ready to heal your digestive system through the power of healing crystals and stones?
Crystal power is amazing, so amazing that you can use it to heal physical ailments in the body. One of the most meaningful experiences I've had with crystals is healing severe stomach pain I used to endure with the power of crystals. I've relieved burns and bruising with crystals, anxiety, depression, procrastination - but I never thought that just a healing stone was enough to heal digestion. After seeing a doctor, there were no real answers as to what was causing my stomach pain and upset. The stone I turned to was Citrine. I wore it for several days in a row and noticed that after about the first three days, my digestion relief was starting to occur. My stomach symptoms lessened every day and eventually went away. Then I started to carry just the stone in my pocket and soon I did not need it at all.
Heal your digestion with the power of healing stones and crystals! Bring wellness into your Solar Plexus Chakra.
Each of the following is a member of the digestive system
- Esophagus (GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn, esophagitis, acid reflux, etc.)
- Liver (Liver damage, cirrhosis, etc.)
- Gall Bladder (Gall stones, cholestasis, etc.)
- Stomach (nausea, pain, diarrhea, vommitting, indigestion, constipation, etc.)
- Pancreas (pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis, etc.)
- Intestines (intestinal and gastrointestinal diseases, etc.)
- Appendix (appendicitis, carcinoid, etc.)
- Rectal (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, pain, etc.
Citrine: Major Digestion Relief
Citrine is my go-to digestion relief healing crystal. This is the stone I wore every day to heal the stomach pain of my own and I still wear it often to prevent potential issues, although I haven't had any in years. Citrine is the ultimate Solar Plexus Stone and holds no negative energy. This healing stone can ease stomach pain, ulcers, stimulate digestion, heal gall bladder pain, relieve heartburn and acid reflux disease. I would recommend this beautiful yellow healing crystal to anyone in need of a digestion healing stone! Shop Citrine Pendants! Shop Citrine Stones!
Yellow Jasper: Digestive System Healer
Yellow Jasper is another great stone for he base chakra and solar plexus chakra. It is one of the best healing stones and crystals for digestion. This stone can help reduce stress, which is a major cause of digestive system pain. This healing stone can help stimulate the flow of digestion, promote the healing of GERD, can help heal the colon, can help remove blockages from the lower body chakras.
Malachite: Remove Toxins
Healing the digestive system involves healing the toxins that surround this area. You can't have a happy life if you are surrounded by sad things, so why would your physical health be any different? Use a Malachite crystal to help get rid of some of the waste in your body. With the help of this healing stone, you can be sure to have a functional digestive system, healthy intestines, healthy kidneys, and feel a lot better! Smokey Quartz can help do the same thing. Which are you more drawn to? Let the crystals guide you! If you are suffering from any form of cancer in relation to the digestive system, (i.e, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, etc.) Smokey Quartz also has the power to combat some of the harmful side effects of radiation treatment. Therefore, this healing crystal not only heals your digestive system, but helps you through the chemotherapy treatment you may need.
Apatite: Ingest Healthy, Digest Healthier.
Apatite is a great crystal for helping you control what you put in your body. This makes it an excellent healing stone for weight loss. This healing crystal guides you on when you are actually hungry or just sad, bored, etc. Apatite can also help remind you to drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and eat slow - all the things people with awesome digestive systems do! However, Apatite also has the power to help your body eliminate some of the toxins, break down food, and calm the digestive process. This can help reduce Acid Reflux Disease, Stomach Pain, Diarrhea, and intestinal blocks.
Carnelian: Healing Constipation and More.
This is a weird one to talk about, but let's face it - everybody poops! If you're feeling constipated or even suffering from hemorrhoids - GET A CARNELIAN! Even just the tumbled stones are totally safe to let soak in a glass of water for you to drink. This is called crystal water or gem water. Ingesting the energy of the stone directly can help the properties of that crystal flow through the course of your digestive system - healing your body inside out. I've had several clients use this stone for issues involving their digestive system from intestinal issues, to stomach pain, to constipation. I actually even used to treat my cat with this stone when he suffered from constipation. This healing crystal can relieve the digestive system by tailoring its energies to the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Base Chakras - the three most prominent chakras for the digestive system!
Healing Crystal Jewelry For Digestion
Gem Water for Digestion:
Putting (SAFE) healing crystals in your water can help your digestive system be directly exposed to the energy of that crystal. This is NOT safe to do with every stone but these crystals are gem water approved!
Thank you for reading! I know it's a gross topic, but I hope the content was great enough to make up for it. Let me know other suggestions you have in the comments!
**Disclaimer ** Please remember, I am not a doctor and if you have a condition you should always seek medical advice. This information is not promised to work for everyone.