Healing Crystals Every Virgo Needs To Have

Find out which healing stones you should be using based on your astrological sign, Virgo. 

Find out which healing stones you should be using based on your astrological sign, Virgo. 

Virgo you are the ultimate communicator, and that comes as no surprise given your Mercury ruling planet paired with your level headed element of earth.

Healing Crystals for Virgo Sun Sign

(August 23 - September 22)

Find out the other Healing Stones for the zodiac here! 

You are incredibly reliable and love to share your thoughts with others, often trying to help guide them through their struggles. The healing energy of Lapis Lazuli helps to stimulate sun sign Virgo’s inner wisdom, while encouraging you to search for truth and higher knowledge. It also promotes open communication which you, Virgo, thrive off of.

Moss Agate is an excellent healing crystal that vibrates in synch with Virgos vibe helping to connect you to Mother Earth bringing you grounding while also gifting patience and determination.

Virgos love to help others, sometimes so much so that they will take on the responsibility of the person they are trying to help. Fuchsite encourages Virgo to let go and let people learn their own lessons. It also promotes joy and relaxation and stimulates self-healing.

Click here out this Amazonite Wire Wrapped Healing Crystal Necklace in the shop. Also purchase some of these tumbled stones for discrete healing by clicking here! 

Click here out this Amazonite Wire Wrapped Healing Crystal Necklace in the shop. Also purchase some of these tumbled stones for discrete healing by clicking here! 

The healing crystal Amazonite [pictured] helps to quiet the ever rushing mercury ruled mind of Virgo, and calms the soul. Its gentle energy facilitates honest peaceful communication and alleviates worry.

Garnet is also excellent for the worrisome Virgo, it helps to release fears and bring balance and grounding in times of stress. It also boosts energy and builds up one’s self confidence.

Blue Topaz is another useful stone for Virgo that encourages clear and meaningful expression and can help release tension from miscommunications. With the use of these healing crystals Virgo your mind will flourish!

Contributed by Victoria Wolfram: Healing Crystals For Your Sun Sign

Every Virgo needs the energy of blue topaz!

Every Virgo needs the energy of blue topaz!

Garnets are an amazing healing stone for every Virgo to have!

Garnets are an amazing healing stone for every Virgo to have!

Lapis Lazuli is amazing for Virgos. 

Lapis Lazuli is amazing for Virgos. 

Dive into the royal blues of this stone. 

Dive into the royal blues of this stone. 

Healing Crystals Every Gemini Needs To Have

Healing Crystals for the Gemini Zodiac Sign

Like a cool summers breeze, you Gemini are carefree and down to go where life takes you. Broad thinking and bright ideas are just a few of the many facets to your mind, all of which you love to share, and your presence brings electricity to any social gathering.

Healing Crystals For Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) 

Click here for other healing stones and the zodiac!


Your unpredictability is exciting although it can sometimes manifest into a sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde vibe. Opalite is an excellent healing crystal to help with this, balancing between mood swings and bringing a deeper understanding to your true self.

Blue Lace Agate is another great stone for the airy sun sign Gemini, helping to bring a soft grounding energy. You tend to be big picture thinkers and Blue Lace Agate helps to bring your attention to the details as well as dissipate the nervous tension Gemini can tend to carry around.

Geminis love to express themselves, particularly through verbal or mental exploration, Chrysocolla is a powerful encourager of self-expression and helps teach the art of when to speak and when to keep quiet. Serpentine helps to bring a gentle grounding energy while opening the channels for communication in the spiritual realm.

Geminis often talk themselves through their emotions keeping everything on a surface level, Howlite is a great encourager of emotional expression all while bringing to Gemini a soothing calm vibe. Gemini ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of communication, which is why the healing crystal Blue Kyanite is another perfect fit. This stone is a powerful tool in opening the mental capacities of the mind and assisting in communication across all levels. Keep these crystals with you on your travels Gemini and you will soar!

I love the way Geminis work well with Blue Kyanite. Check these beauties out!

I love the way Geminis work well with Blue Kyanite. Check these beauties out!

Ground yourself, express yourself, and reach a spiritual realm with this Serpentine, Gemini!

Ground yourself, express yourself, and reach a spiritual realm with this Serpentine, Gemini!

Chrysocolla is the perfect healing stone for Gemini. It can help you communicate. 

Chrysocolla is the perfect healing stone for Gemini. It can help you communicate. 

Howlite can assist Geminis in expressing their emotional side!

Howlite can assist Geminis in expressing their emotional side!

Blue Lace Agate is an amazing healing stone for Gemini energy. 

Blue Lace Agate is an amazing healing stone for Gemini energy. 

Check out these amazing Opalites, gemini! You can sleep with them, meditate with them, or carry them in your pocket. 

Check out these amazing Opalites, gemini! You can sleep with them, meditate with them, or carry them in your pocket. 

Contributed by Victoria Wolfram: Healing Crystals For Your Sun Sign


Healing Crystals Every Cancer Needs To Have

healing stones for cancer sun sign

Healing Crystals For Cancer Sun Sign

June 22 -July 22

Click here to view the healing stones for your sun sign!

Just like the comforting glow of your Lunar ruler, you Cancer are filled with soothing vibes. Add your watery element to the mix and see why your emotions ebb and flow like the tides. Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac, they energetically ooze comfort and caring.


Moonstone is an excellent healing crystal for the lunar ruled crab, it helps to bring deeper insights into intuitive thoughts and assists in understanding the powerful shift of emotions sun sign Cancer often experiences. This healing stone also helps to restore a harmonious balance within you and promotes self-awareness.

Cancers are full of love to give, often wearing their heart on their sleeve which is why rose quartz is ideal. The nurturing energy of Rose Quartz encourages you to have self-love and helps to release pain from past heartache as well as dissipate negative energies. Rhodonite is another helpful healing crystal for you Cancer because it encourages forgiveness and helps to heal emotional scars.

The vibrant energy of Ruby helps you to realize your ambitions and passions in life and instills in you the self-esteem to pursue them.

Cancers are known to be sensitive, sometimes overly so, Chrysocolla helps to desensitize the crab and gift confidence all while drawing away negativity. It’s okay to let things go dearest Cancer, your natural tendency is to look back at life constantly reflecting on your past.

Blue Chalcedony encourages reconciliation and building of inner peace as well as encouraging Cancer to let things go and forgive. Harness these energies Cancer to help balance the tides within you!

Moonstone necklace

Moon-stone & Cancer energy.

Moonstone has got to be my personal favorite healing stone for the sun sign Cancer. It totally aligns you with the water element of your sign, and the moon - your ruling planet. It will help give you the ultimate balance, especially for your emotional body. Click below to browse some amazing moonstone jewelry. 

Contributed By Victoria Wolfram: Healing Crystals For Your Sun Sign