Healing Crystals Every Leo Needs To Have

Find out which healing crystals complement your Leo Sun Sign. 

Find out which healing crystals complement your Leo Sun Sign. 

Healing Crystals for Leo Sun Sign

(July 23 - August 22)

Click here to see the full list of healing stones and the zodiac! 

Your warm presence touches many dearest Leo and your regality is never overlooked. Like your feline kin your temperament is touchy and you aren’t afraid to let out a good roar. Your fiery element promises that whatever you do will be bold and over the top.



Tiger’s Eye is an excellent healing crystal for you to have Leo; its golden bands reflect your sunny disposition while connecting you to the earth and bringing you some much needed grounding.

Sunstone is a perfect complement to your solar ruling planet and gifts you with personal power and freedom which you crave. This stone also brings sun sign Leo openness and the ability to share your generous nature with others.

Leo, you love to create, your fiery passionate energy makes your mind abundant with new ideas. Using Orange Calcite  (pictured) can help you to harness your constructive energies and aids in dissolving of things blocking your full potential.

Citrine is an excellent complement to Leo’s bright energy. It is stone of abundance and light and gives Leo prosperity and success while also encouraging them to share the abundance with others.

With all that fiery confidence Leo your head can sometimes get a bit big. Rhodochrosite helps to teach you that power flows through you, not from you and instills you with an empowered open heart.

Carnelian is also beneficial to the natural leadership Leo possesses, its stimulates motivation and courage and attracts joy and good luck. Use these crystals Leo to help you shine like the star that you are!

Contributed by Victoria Wolfram: Healing Crystals for your Sun Sign

Click Here to view the other properties and shop for this amazing wire wrapped Orange Calcite Healing Crystal .

Click Here to view the other properties and shop for this amazing wire wrapped Orange Calcite Healing Crystal .

Be sure to snag one of these tiger's eye stones to awaken your inner power, Leo!

Be sure to snag one of these tiger's eye stones to awaken your inner power, Leo!

I guarantee you, Leo, you'll need this Carnelian!

I guarantee you, Leo, you'll need this Carnelian!

The golden rays of this Citrine are amazing for empowering the Leo! 

The golden rays of this Citrine are amazing for empowering the Leo! 

Sunstone is one of the best healing stones a Leo can wear. 

Sunstone is one of the best healing stones a Leo can wear. 

Healing Crystals Every Cancer Needs To Have

healing stones for cancer sun sign

Healing Crystals For Cancer Sun Sign

June 22 -July 22

Click here to view the healing stones for your sun sign!

Just like the comforting glow of your Lunar ruler, you Cancer are filled with soothing vibes. Add your watery element to the mix and see why your emotions ebb and flow like the tides. Cancers are the nurturers of the zodiac, they energetically ooze comfort and caring.


Moonstone is an excellent healing crystal for the lunar ruled crab, it helps to bring deeper insights into intuitive thoughts and assists in understanding the powerful shift of emotions sun sign Cancer often experiences. This healing stone also helps to restore a harmonious balance within you and promotes self-awareness.

Cancers are full of love to give, often wearing their heart on their sleeve which is why rose quartz is ideal. The nurturing energy of Rose Quartz encourages you to have self-love and helps to release pain from past heartache as well as dissipate negative energies. Rhodonite is another helpful healing crystal for you Cancer because it encourages forgiveness and helps to heal emotional scars.

The vibrant energy of Ruby helps you to realize your ambitions and passions in life and instills in you the self-esteem to pursue them.

Cancers are known to be sensitive, sometimes overly so, Chrysocolla helps to desensitize the crab and gift confidence all while drawing away negativity. It’s okay to let things go dearest Cancer, your natural tendency is to look back at life constantly reflecting on your past.

Blue Chalcedony encourages reconciliation and building of inner peace as well as encouraging Cancer to let things go and forgive. Harness these energies Cancer to help balance the tides within you!

Moonstone necklace

Moon-stone & Cancer energy.

Moonstone has got to be my personal favorite healing stone for the sun sign Cancer. It totally aligns you with the water element of your sign, and the moon - your ruling planet. It will help give you the ultimate balance, especially for your emotional body. Click below to browse some amazing moonstone jewelry. 

Contributed By Victoria Wolfram: Healing Crystals For Your Sun Sign

Healing Crystals Every Sagittarius Needs To Have

Dearest Sagittarius, you are wise beyond your years and yet maintain the jovial disposition of a child. Truth is always what you seek and you are fascinated with life’s many questions.

Find out which healing stones are perfect for your zodiac sign, Sagittarius!

Find out which healing stones are perfect for your zodiac sign, Sagittarius!

Healing Crystals For Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Click here to find out other zodiac healing stones!

You speak what’s on your mind and your words can sometimes pierce like an arrow, even with the best intentions at heart. Turquoise is an excellent healing stone for you Sagittarius it helps to still your ever inquisitive mind and deepen your intuition. Known as the stone of truth it helps to give you confidence and compliments your style of honest communication.

Amethyst can be used to help soothe the edginess you tend to carry in your demeanor, and encourages high knowledge.

Your fiery element makes your energy active and your ruling planet of Jupiter brings luck and a joy filled nature to sun sign Sagittarius. Citrine matches Sagittarius’s positivity and gives you confidence in achieving your goals. It also gifts you with the power of manifestation and making things happen.

Lapis Lazuli helps Sagittarius tune into your inner power and stimulate your natural wisdom. This intellectually stimulating stone encourages focus and memory and is excellent for the archer’s natural inclination to philosophy.

Snowflake Obsidian brings Sagittarius some much needed grounding and balance between the mind and body. This healing crystal also gives support and relieves stress.

Sun sign Sagittarius is all about being your authentic self, Sodalite encourages you to live according to your own beliefs and promotes logic and intuition. This stone also guides Sagittarius on the never ending quest for knowledge by bringing endurance and stimulating the Third Eye Chakra.

You are a warrior for truth my dearest Sagittarius, use these healing crystals as tools for deeper understanding!

Contributed by Victoria Wolfram, a Sagittarius herself!: Healing Crystals for your Sun Sign

What Crystals You Should Carry Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Ever wonder what crystals will help you based on your zodiac sign? We are all influenced by the alignments under which we were born. We entered this world with certain traits - some strong and some weak. Use this post as a guide for which crystals will support your natural strengths and resolve your natural weaknesses.

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