What Crystals You Should Carry Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Aquarius, many people are drawn to you and willing to listen to you because you stimulate intellect. Chrysocolla may be a great stone for your humanitarian side. Chrysocolla helps you express what you've seen and gone through for the teachings of others. You're a free spirit, detached from almost everything. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Embrace your adventurous side by carrying a Mookaite Jasper or Aventurine stone.

Chrysocolla pendant, handmade and on sale now by And Zen Some. 

Chrysocolla pendant, handmade and on sale now by And Zen Some.



Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Pisces, you are compassionate, dependable, loyal, and devoted. People rely on you when they need a hand. However, you may feel that your friendships are one-sided, that people take advantage of you too often. You may attract the wrong people in your life because of your strongest qualities. To protect yourself against these things, you may want to guard yourself and your aura with a Black Tourmaline. You can still offer your kindness, without allowing negativity to drag you down. Pisces can also be a little temperamental, aggressive, or overemotional. Carrying or wearing an Amazonite can help soothe the emotions in these kinds of cases.

Amazonite, handmade and on sale now by And Zen Some.

Amazonite, handmade and on sale now by And Zen Some.

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

Aries, you are a go-getter, a leader, and very independent. If you have a dream or a goal, you are not afraid to take the leap to make those goals happen. Your enthusiasm is one of your best qualities. Mahogany Obsidian is a great stone for perseverance. Wearing this stone may help you keep that drive going because it lends you a little extra support. Sunstone may be another great stone because it helps you express your leadership qualities. This will help others support you.

New Sunstone pendant to And Zen Some. 

New Sunstone pendant to And Zen Some. 

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

Taurus, your patience and persistence are so admirable; however, you're stubbornness is something that holds you back. The energies of Tanzanite can help you recognize important opportunities that you may want to embrace. Dumortierite will help reduce your stubbornness. Mookaite Jasper will help open you up to the benefits of spontaneity and living in the moment. 

Handmade Dumortierite pendant, by And Zen Some.

Handmade Dumortierite pendant, by And Zen Some.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Gemini, you are energetic, passionate, and full of life. You have so much energy - which is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, this is why people have so much fun around you. However, you tend to find yourself getting carried away. Your energy is so high that you may let your mind wander too far. Do you notice you are getting stressed easily, misplace things often, or feel like you are out of your body? Blue Kyanite is a wonderful crystal for you. It allows you to embrace the spiritual energy that you have so much of, but has the power to ground you before you float away. It aligns all of your chakras, because blocks come easy for you. It also holds no negative energy, so it has the power to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones. Geminis also find themselves babbling or gossiping, Blue Kyanite will help you to lend a listening ear when it is needed.

New Blue Kyanite Pendant, handmade by And Zen Some.

New Blue Kyanite Pendant, handmade by And Zen Some.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Cancer, you are sensitive and sentimental, it is why people love you. However, you are so giving and caring that you forget to care about yourself. Rose Quartz is a gentle stone that is mothering and nourishing - it reminds you to nourish yourself, gives you the love to overcome insecurities, and fills the holes in your heart. You tend to be very fragile and moody. Balance your emotions by wearing an Amethyst stone. Protect your heart with a Rhodonite stone. It will help you express your love and generosity, so you can embrace your sentimental side - but because this is a manganese stone, it will protect you from irritability and emotional pain.

Rose Quartz Point Pendant on sale now, Handmade by And Zen Some.

Rose Quartz Point Pendant on sale now, Handmade by And Zen Some.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Leo, people are absolutely drawn to you. You give your warmth, joy, and love to everyone you meet. Leos are known for being self-centered at times, but people may not know how sensitive you can be. Pride is very important to you, like the lion. Citrine would be very beneficial for you to carry. This crystal holds no negative energy and works as a guard against it. This optimism will not only help you feel empowered and strong, but it will lend you the optimism so you don't bring down others. It will also improve your generosity and help you manifest the positive things in life.

Currently available on my etsy shop! .

Currently available on my etsy shop! .

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Virgo, your ability to see things from different perspectives, analyze your surroundings and experiences, and be observant of all that you see is incredible. However, you tend to be very opinionated or narrow-minded because of this. Dumortierite will help increase your tolerance and open-mindedness. It will allow you to expand your knowledge with a sense of excitement for learning new things. You should wear a rose quartz to open yourself up to love from others, as well. You tend to close yourself off from others, and as someone who gives so much love, it is important you allow yourself to receive love in return.

Dumortierite pendant, handmade by And Zen Some.

Dumortierite pendant, handmade by And Zen Some.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Libra, you may struggle with finding yourself. Approval, reassurance, and someone to depend on are all very important to you. This all stems from a strong desire for love. Wearing a rose quartz will help mother and nourish your heart chakra so this sense of love is always provided to you - not by others, but by self. Libras also care about peace-making, but are very sensitive to the negativity of others. Libra is balance, but too much negativity definitely upsets this balance. Protect your aura with a labradorite. This stone will help you help and inspire others, but will keep your emotions protected. Last but not least, libra, heal your indecisiveness with apophyllite or fluorite. These stones will speak to your natural intuition so it can better speak to you.

As a libra, I can say I have had phenomenal results with my apophyllite stone. It heightens my creative and imaginative side, it soothes my anxiety, and it definitely helps my intuition. Citrine has also benefited me by speaking to the generosity that I lack sometimes. It is my libra nature to be a little selfish, but this stone protects me from the pain of being too vain.

Handmade Labradorite pendant by And Zen Some.

Handmade Labradorite pendant by And Zen Some.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Fierce and independent you are, Scorpio. You are ambitious, driven, and powerful. However, your strive for power can get the best of you sometimes and can lead you to hold grudges, or be vengeful. You can embrace the power of forgiveness with a Blue Chalcedony stone. This will prevent you from succumbing to vindictiveness because the stone will lend you the ability to forgive and trust. It will remind you of your loyalty. Scorpios are also very fascinated in the unknown: this may stem from undiscovered gifts. Using a Charoite crystal can help you recognize psychic abilities.

Blue Chalcedony Pendant handmade by And Zen Some, on sale now.

Blue Chalcedony Pendant handmade by And Zen Some, on sale now.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

You are free and independent, and respect the independence of others. You live and let live, never interfere, and remain detached. Many people struggle to gain these qualities that you have, Sag. You are entertaining, tell phenomenal stories, and give great advice. You can assure you are conveying your thoughts clearly and kindly by wearing either Blue Calcite or Aquamarine. These crystals provide gentle and smooth communication. They lend you the strength and clarity to speak up, speak clearly, speak fluently, and speak truth.

Aquamarine pendant, handmade by And Zen Some.

Aquamarine pendant, handmade by And Zen Some.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

You are drawn to the ideas of achievement, success, and leadership. You are strong and independent so achieving these goals is not difficult for you. You are good at recognizing your skills and talents and putting them to good use. Citrine is a good stone for you to work with because it will help you attract abundance and wealth. Your goals may progress at a faster rate if you manifest them with this stone. Your structure is something that's very important to you, but may drive people away. You can open your mind, imagination, creativity; increase your passion, vitality, and life force; let loose and have fun by wearing a carnelian crystal. This crystal will remind you to be spontaneous, adventurous, and creative in life so you don't get lost in your work.

Check out this gorgeous Carnelian Crystal by And Zen Some. 

Check out this gorgeous Carnelian Crystal by And Zen Some.