Four Crystals Every Empowered Woman Needs

Empowered women are strong, tough, and dedicated. They support and help each other. They are not jealous or greedy. They are smart and wise. They are politicians, teachers, entrepreneurs, mothers. They are caring, loving, passionate, and gentle. They know what is best for themselves and those around them. They nurture the things they care most about. They are fearless and that makes them flawless. These are the kind of people that are beaming with light, and therefore many negative energies are drawn to that light. In order to nurture oneself, protect oneself, and remain empowered - these crystals may be vital! 

1. Chrysocolla - 

Chrysocolla is my first recommendation to every empowered woman for several reasons. This stone is the essence of empowerment, expression, and teaching. It gives us the ability to to dig deep into our painful experiences and teach others through sharing what we learned. It allows us to be open and expressive. It also allows us to heal the heart by letting those painful experiences serve as lessons not only to others, but to ourselves; this allows us to reopen our hearts and allow for new experiences. Chrysocolla is also great for relieving premenstrual symptoms and cramps for those days when Mother Nature is totally not cooperating with us! It is great for women expecting a child, women who just gave birth to a child, and women who's grandchildren or great-grandchildren just entered the world because it helps relieve anxieties in order to fulfill their new caregiver role. It builds confidence, insight, and the ability to encourage others. You can find the pendant in the picture here! 

2. Rainbow Moonstone

These are specimens from one of my favorite shops on etsy, TheMagickWizard. Rainbow Moonstone resonates with the Goddess energy, the deep feminine energy that stirs deep within us all. This stone helps women resonate with the spiritual wonders of the moon that help us recognize how powerful we really are. This crystal helps us realize what we are capable of as fearless, empowered women. It teaches women confidence and serenity, to soothe the anger and aggression they may have within. By helping women resonate with the moon, it helps them become less sensitive to the full or new moon. This means they will sleep better, feel better, and express themselves better during these times. 

3. Red Coral 

Red Coral is an obvious pick. It is known as the "Women's Crystal" or "The Blood of Mother Earth" because it helps women become harmonious with the elements. For anyone who feels fatigued, tired all the time, out of their body or out of control, Red Coral would be great to wear or carry because it helps us become grounded to the Earth. It revives passion and drive within us all - some of the key elements that make us empowered women! Red Coral can also be used for menstruation and fertility. It can also help restore tissues in the reproductive organs. You can find this gorgeous bracelet here

4. Rose Quartz

This pendant is from my new Summer Solstice Line on my etsy shop. Rose Quartz is perhaps my favorite stone for the heart & higher heart chakras. It brings such a loving energy - perfect to help heal any woman. This crystal is excellent for helping women see the beauty in everything, especially themselves. One thing that makes an empowered woman empowered is the fact that they do not put other women or themselves down, in fact they nurture themselves and each other to help find beauty. This is a stone of confidence, high self-esteem, and forgiveness. This stone is also a powerful aphrodisiac, allowing women to give and receive love in each and every sense. It helps us get in tune with our sexuality and our sensual side. This allows us to connect with ourselves, our hearts, and the highest feelings of love and passion. Among all these things, it can help women who are have not found their fiery, passionate, strong sides. It helps awaken our love of self and forgiveness of self. It relieves guilt, trauma, worry, jealousy, and all other negative emotions that hold us back. 

A Day With Mangano Calcite

Today I am wearing the new Pink Mangano Calcite pendant. I felt drawn to this stone because of the energies it carries that assist in self-acceptance and self-worth. I am going shopping with a friend today and like many other women out there, I get more and more down on myself with everything I try on and will often end the day feeling insecure. I feel I need a boost of confidence! Mangano Calcite – along with Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, or Chrysocolla – helps one develop confidence, a sense of self-worth, and self-acceptance. Confidence is feeling strong and empowered in your own body. Self-worth is being able to recognize your value as a human and soul. Self-acceptance is being able to recognize your flaws and remain appreciative of yourself. All three are very hard to achieve and sustain; especially when we live in a society that constantly compares, criticizes, and tells women how they should and shouldn’t look.

Since I put this necklace on, I already feel more confident and beautiful in my own skin. I feel excited to go out today and hang out with my friend. Not only do I feel more beautiful in myself, but I feel better able to spread my confidence onto others. I see more clearly, optimistically, and appreciatively this morning. With this, my anxiety is lifting and floating away. I am no longer worried about who I might see, what they might think, etc. Mangano Calcite is a great stone for healing nervous conditions and anxiety. It also helps one mentally and emotionally overcome past fear, grief, or trauma that might cause limitations.

Today I feel free, beautiful, fearless, and flawless! Thank you Mangano Calcite. 

Love the way it complements my daisies!

Love the way it complements my daisies!