Why Everyone is Obsessed with This Healing Crystal

There is one healing crystal making its way in not just the spiritual community, but is becoming a trend everywhere. Of all the beautiful healing crystals, why is this one becoming so popular? 

The Glow of Labradorite

Labradorite has an incredible glow. Eskimo lore believes that Labradorite are fallen pieces of aurora borealis. Within first glance of this stone you can see why. This amazing healing stone glows all different colors; from shades of gold to green to blue, sometimes even pink and purple. However, like the night sky, when not met with the certain light these colors are hidden and the stone appears black, gray, or dark blue. 

Tale of Labradorite And Zen Some

The Amazing Meaning and Benefits of Labradorite

There are way too many good things to write about this stone so I had to limit myself. One of my first crystals was labradorite, and it will forever be my favorite stone. From eyesight, to the nervous system, to protection, to empathy - this healing stone is definitely one that everyone should add to their collection. It is also one that most people should be carrying around on hand at all times. 

Amazing benefits of labradorite by and zen some

Spiritually Protection & Energy Shield

HSP (or highly sensitive person) and empaths are the first to benefit from a Labradorite stone. If you find you are drained by the energies of others, take on the energies of others, get overly emotionally involved in TV shows, movies, books, media, etc. Then you might need this stone. These are all traits of empaths. Empaths and HSP's often find that those around them love to confide in them, look to them for advice, or all share painful stories. This is because these types of people are highly empathetic. It is an amazing quality - but requires lots of shielding. This stone can help you lend your compassion, while shielding your aura so the energy of others does not drain you. 

The Stone of Spiritual Awakening

There is definitely an energetic shift occurring. Several people that I meet describe this feeling and it is amazing that we can all be a part of it. Labradorite can help align you with the shift that is occurring if you are yearning to experience it. This stone encourages new age thought, heightened sense of spirituality, alignment with the Universe, Divine forces, and can even enhance communication with Spirit Guides. It opens the Third Eye Chakra. This stone can awaken your personal sense of magic and your intuition. 

Improves Relationships with Self & Others

One thing I have always found fascinating is the concept of "mirrors." Since my personal understanding of this concept, I have found that it is easier to accept, learn from, and love others. This concept is that every person you meet is a reflection of yourself. That means that everything you love about a person, is something you love about yourself or something that you share with that person. It also means that every negative judgment you have about another person, is an area in which you could improve. 

Conversely, if you find yourself being way too hard on yourself for something, you might find that other people mirror what it is that you are struggling with - and this may help you accept yourself and free yourself from the burden you put on yourself. 

Understanding "mirrors" can help you repair your ability to see others with a positive light, so you can see yourself in a positive light. Labradorite can help you reflect upon this philosophy. It allows for inner reflection and a vivid connection with this concept. 

People are rocking this stone in some beautifully wild ways!

Seriously I am starting to notice this stone ALL over. Sherwin Williams even has a paint color named "Labradorite." I've noticed people rocking phone cases and tote bags with this stone on it in public. Some of my favorite labradorite items are featured below. (the dress is my fave!) You can also find several one-of-a-kind labradorite necklaces and pendants on my shop. 

Gemstone Attire has some amazing Labradorite gear (along with many other crystals.) I'm talking headbands, dresses, yoga pants, leggings, skirts... OMG! A crystal lovers dream. 

Gemstone Attire has some amazing Labradorite gear (along with many other crystals.) I'm talking headbands, dresses, yoga pants, leggings, skirts... OMG! A crystal lovers dream. 

Labradorite countertops as seen on @sapphiresoul_ad on instagram. Making a mental note for my future house.

Labradorite countertops as seen on @sapphiresoul_ad on instagram. Making a mental note for my future house.

A wine stopper. A freaking healing crystal wine stopper. I found this charm on Steven D Evans etsy shop

A wine stopper. A freaking healing crystal wine stopper. I found this charm on Steven D Evans etsy shop

Fiery energies wrapped into wearable art by And Zen Some

Fiery energies wrapped into wearable art by And Zen Some

Beautiful and rare purple labradorite wrapped by And Zen Some. (Now on sale!!)

Beautiful and rare purple labradorite wrapped by And Zen Some. (Now on sale!!)

Labradorites and another beautiful flashy crystal "Ammolite"

Labradorites and another beautiful flashy crystal "Ammolite"

Thanks for reading! Share your incredible labradorite experience. 

Healing Depression With Crystals: Are Your Imbalanced Chakras Causing Your Depression?

Not everybody's experience with depression is the same. There are seven major chakras in the body, and depression can begin in any of them. Sometimes alternative healing methods seem like a last resort. However, these methods of healing were some of the first to exist. Crystals have lasted through ancient civilizations all the way to today's society for a reason. If it seems like there is no hope, don't give up before trying these amazing crystals!

Depression can be caused by an imbalance in the chakras. Healing Crystals and Stones and a touch of spiritual protection can totally help you heal!

Depression can be caused by an imbalance in the chakras. Healing Crystals and Stones and a touch of spiritual protection can totally help you heal!


Solar Plexus Chakra-Based Depression. Try Citrine. 

Are you ready for a complete Solar Plexus Activation? Try a Citrine. 

For those of you wondering what a solar plexus is, it is the third chakra in your body. It sits right above the navel. This is the center of control and power. Often times depression is caused by an imbalanced solar plexus chakra. Signs of your depression stemming from the chakra include feelings of unworthiness, unhappiness, loneliness, anxiety, panic attacks, feeling a loss of control, feeling unmotivated, the inability to think positive, etc. Citrine is a great crystal for clearing and activating this energy center because of its vibrant yellow hue. This stone promotes feelings of joy and gratitude. One amazing thing about this stone is it holds no negative energy. Citrine can also help you manifest a specific intention and increase abundance! So whenever you are ready to take control of your life, feel empowered, experience happiness, and receive nothing but blessings from the universe - give this stone a shot. Other stones you may want to consider trying for your solar plexus chakra are Amber or Topaz.

Still unsure if Citrine is for you? Signs your solar plexus is blocked include: digestive problems/stomach tension, self-limiting thoughts, high anxiety and feelings of no control. 

Heart Chakra-Based Depression. Try Rose Quartz. 

The heart chakra is also a place where your depression could stem from. If this chakra is the root of your depression, it will show in the form of stress, self-loathing, inability to see one's own beauty or the beauty of others, holding grudges, obvious sadness (fits of crying, anger, etc.), or holding on to childhood wounds. Rose Quartz is an amazing healing stone for helping one overcome emotional wounds, forgiving the past, and receiving love in all forms. This is more complex than it seems: emotional wounds include grief, depression, stress, anxiety, self-loathing or low self-esteem. Forgiving the past can mean things that you have done wrong or things others have done wrong to you. Receiving love means the ability to receive love from others close to you, from strangers, from yourself, from the earth, from Spirit, wherever LOVE is around you - you will acknowledge it and accept it. If you are ready to start loving yourself and others, seeing the beauty in the world, living more compassionately, reducing stress, and taking time for self nourishment, Rose Quartz is totally for you! 

More signs this stone is for you: skin conditions/acne, negative self talk, poor hygiene, feelings of jealousy, and feelings of loneliness. 

If Rose Quartz does not seem like it is for you, try Mangano Calcite, or Rhodochrosite.

Third Eye-Based Depression. Try Amethyst. 

Amethyst is connected to the Third Eye Chakra and healing this chakra can help you see things for what they truly are. Sometimes we are exposed to distorted thoughts about ourselves and about the world through the media, childhood, or anywhere. Exposure to this kind of negativity clouds your third eye chakra and makes it hard to see the light that exists in the world. Your depression may also include difficulty sleeping, or the need to sleep all the time, nightmares, nervousness, difficulty making decisions or positive choices, or vigilance. PTSD can be very detrimental to this chakra, leading to serious depression and damage. Restore the energy of this chakra with Amethyst if you are ready to feel awake and have hope again. Amethyst can help you feel connected and in tune with yourself and those around you. This crystal can help you see your power, see your beauty, and recognize your potential. Charoite and Fluorite are also great stones to use for overcoming Third Eye Depression. 

Alternate signs this is the chakra in which your depression stems: You are experiencing insomnia, headaches or migraines, physical pain, you are making poor decisions, addiction, forgetfulness. 

Throat Chakra Based Depression. Try Amazonite.

Sometimes depression can stem from the Throat Chakra. This includes feeling like you are not being heard, not being able to explain yourself, feeling like it would be better to not speak at all, feeling like the people around you are lying to you, feeling like nobody believes you, and more. Sometimes Throat Chakra based depression can involve outbursts of emotions or the inability to express yourself in a positive and productive way. If any of this sounds like something you are experiencing, please remember you are not weird or crazy! Blue Calcite, Turquoise, and Chrysocolla are all great stones to help you gain power in your words and in your circle. These stones can help you feel confident in your words, eloquent, and charismatic. They inspire you to speak up and tell your story no matter what it is. They embody courage, self-esteem, and integrity. These stones can also soothe the emotions, help you process them, help you sort your thoughts; so you can say and feel what needs to be said and felt and still be heard and understood by those around you. When the words flowing out of your mouth sound good and feel good, you feel good on the inside and the positive thoughts begin to flow in. This is very similar to the law of attraction! You can use Blue Kyanite to enhance this aspect. 

Throat Chakra Based depression symptoms can include sore throats, allergies, ringing in ears, feeling like there is something in your throat, and headaches. 

Root Chakra Based Depression. Try Pyrite. 

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. In the Seven Chakra System it is the first chakra. It represents the physical world. If you feel your depression is related to stress, fear, and doubt - chances are this chakra is out of balance. If you are struggling to find peace and feelings of safety at your home, job, family, finances. Often times you may feel intense feelings that your life is chaotic, you may feel like you are just floating away with all the stress. You may feel like you are on autopilot going along with the motions and can't catch a break. This is because you are not grounded. Take some time in nature and wear a Pyrite, Smokey Quartz, or Agate. These crystals can help you become more in tune with your body, take one thing at a time, and feel safe and secure in your physical world. They help you feel more present. 

Signs you need to activate your Root Chakra are if you struggle with addiction, lower back pain, anxiety, career difficulties, feelings of discontent, fatigue, exhaustion. 

Crown Chakra Based Depression. Try Spirit Quartz. 

In some cases, depression can stem from your Crown Chakra. This is very common in HSP's (highly sensitive persons), empaths, psychics, etc who have not yet understood or grasped their gifts. If you feel cut off from the world, people around you, and the universe; if you blame the universe/god/others for your problems; or if you live in a great deal of fear or misunderstanding, or even hopelessness, chances are your crown chakra is blocked. Spirit Quartz, Tibetan Quartz, and Herkimer Diamond are all great stones for attuning your connection to the world, your gifts, and activating your Crown Chakra. Feeling linked with the universe can help restore your sense of faith in the future. You may experience a sense of belonging, togetherness, and love for the world around you and the life you live. 

Other signs your crown chakra is blocked include pain, lack of interested and motivation, feeling "foggy", fatigue, anxiety, judgmental thoughts of others, and clumsiness. 

Sacral Chakra Based Depression. Try Carnelian.

Your Sacral Chakra is the second chakra, located below the belly button. It is the center of where you harness your passion. When depression stems from your Sacral Chakra, you may experience a loss of interest or detachment, difficulty enjoying your life, difficulty embracing who you are, a loss of motivation, or loss of desire. Loss of desire can mean sexually, creatively, work-related, etc. Sacral Chakra stones are great to use to combat this kind of depression so you can regain your passion for living and live life to the fullest. You can regain your energetic levels and clear this chakra with Carnelian, Fluorite, Fire Agate. Carnelian is a great stone for activating the Sacral Chakra with its fiery orange color. It embodies the sexual, creative, and energetic God/Goddess inside all of us. Bring that part of you back to life by wearing or sleeping with this stone. 

Other signs your Sacral Chakra is blocked: feeling unworthy, abnormal menstruation/reproductive issues, urinary issues, fear, feeling stuck or lost, inability to focus.

Healing Chakras Can Bring You Back to Harmony and Happiness.

I hope this information has been helpful. Please remember I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. Love & Light and good luck using these tools to assist your emotional wellbeing. 

Crystals Every Small Business Owner Should Have

Business getting you down? Find out how to overcome some of the most common obstacles in running a small business with healing crystals.  

Read more

Releasing Attachments

Letting go of what no longer serves you is the key to living a happier and healthier lifestyle. By using elements, crystals, and your deepest insight and strength, you can remove the toxicity in your life that weighs you down. Are you ready to make a change? 

Read more

Crystals for Skincare: How Healing Crystals Can Get You Perfect Skin

The other day, I accidentally burned my hand on the stove. Though it was nothing major, the pain was going to be getting in the way of my wire working. I've heard of people using crystals to heal burns so I thought I'd give it a shot. I took a Rose Quartz crystal and held it directly on the burn for an hour. The coolness of the tumbled crystal felt good against the burn and when I woke up the next morning, my burn and blistering was completely gone - as if it never even happened! This was the first time I've tried crystal healing for skincare, so I decided to look a little further into it. Here are some tips and products to use when treating skin ailments with crystals. Recipes for some amazing skincare products are at the bottom of the article! 

Healing Sunburns With Crystals

For more painful or severe sunburns, place Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony, or Onyx crystals in a bath of cool temperature. Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony, and Onyx are both great crystals for sunburns and inflammation. You will find being completely immersed in the water infused with this crystal's energy is very soothing. Below are some cheap and natural remedies that you can make in your own kitchen for helping to heal your sunburn. 


Sunburn Settling Spritzer, Natural Remedy

  • Mix water with Blue Chalcedony tumbled stone for 24 hours. 
  • Put in spray bottle with lavender or almond essential oil. 
  • Spritz on your burn every 3-5 hours to help the burn go down. 


Sunburn Soother, Natural Remedy (My Favorite!)

You will need: 

  • 1/4 Coconut oil
  • 5 drops of Lavender Essential oil
  • 1 TBSP Aloe
  • 1/2 TSP Tumeric
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 1 Tumbled Sodalite


  • Turn the water into a gem elixir by soaking the sodalite in it overnight. (Bonus: drinking this water will also help with migraines!)
  • Mix with the coconut oil, tumeric, lavender oil, aloe. 
  • Apply to skin for pain relief & peeling prevention! 
Save this graphic for reference! 

Save this graphic for reference! 


Healing Crystals for Healing Burns

Rose Quartz, as described above, is a good crystal for burns. Chrysoprase and Sodalite can also be used to heal burns. Simply hold the crystal on or near the burn. If you happen to have a smaller piece of the crystal you are using, it would be very beneficial to tape or bandage the crystal on a more severe burn for a couple days. Whenever I have a burn now, I wear a rose quartz pendant throughout the day so I have the energy handy when I need to "re-apply"

Click the pic to snag this treasure!

Click the pic to snag this treasure!

Healing Acne With Crystals

Acne indicates toxicity. Toxicity is not limited to chemicals that are ingested or that make contact with the skin. Toxicities of the emotional body include stress, depression, etc. Toxicities of the physical body include allergies, digestive problems, and diet. These are all examples of acne inducers. There are certain crystals that eliminate toxicity, ease hormonal balancing, de-stress, and more. The over the counter products for things such as acne and oily skin have TONS of chemicals that may not be helping your skin. Amethyst is a great crystal for detoxifying, de-stressing, and balancing aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. There are a few ways to use amethyst for healing acne. One way is to place the crystal directly on the affected area. Another way is to create an elixir. An elixir is made by soaking a crystal in water for 24 hours. Many people will drink elixirs made with different crystals. You can drink an Amethyst elixir to help with skin or use the elixir to wash your face with. Rinsing the skin with the Amethyst elixir will allow the energy to sink right into your pores. It will be very helpful in shrinking your pores. Wearing this stone can also help infuse you with that stone's energy. 

If you're willing to take your skincare routine further for shrinking pores, reducing redness or blotchiness, moisturizing your dry skin, or healing your oily skin, check out the recipe below! It is a blast to make, especially with friends and lets you incorporate earth into your skin care routine. 

Get the Recipe Below!

Get the Recipe Below!

DIY Crystal Infused Rose Water Recipe: 

You will need: 

  • Amethyst Tumbled Stone 
  • Dried Rose Petals
  • Nut Milk Bag
  • Spray Bottle
  • Water
  • A pot for boiling
  • A funnel 
  1.  Soak a pot of water in Amethyst for 24 hours
  2. Remove the amethyst from the pot and boil the water
  3. Add rose petals and reduce to simmer (cover with lid)
  4. Let the water cool once the petals lose their color
  5. Strain the Rose petal water in the nut milk bag in a bowl. 
  6. Pour the strained water into a spray bottle and back with the amethyst. 
  7. Spritz on your face after a wash or before makeup for an amazing, natural, low cost, crystal infused facial toner. 



Healing Warts/Other Skin Blemishes With Crystals

Turn to the energy of this beautiful pink calcite stone for warts and other blemishes and even wounds! If you have a cut, a blister, a wart, or anything of the like, try using a Pink Mangano Calcite crystal on the area. You can hold the crystal there for about ten minutes, twice a day. 

Amazing Crystal Skincare Products

Many companies focused on natural remedies make crystal-infused skincare products. Here are a few great ones that I found: 

Eye Contour Mask with Malachite

Clay Facial Mask with Tourmaline

Himalayan Detox Salts

Sanitizer with Tourmaline, Tiger's Eye, Onyx, and Hematite