Healing Depression With Crystals: Are Your Imbalanced Chakras Causing Your Depression?

Not everybody's experience with depression is the same. There are seven major chakras in the body, and depression can begin in any of them. Sometimes alternative healing methods seem like a last resort. However, these methods of healing were some of the first to exist. Crystals have lasted through ancient civilizations all the way to today's society for a reason. If it seems like there is no hope, don't give up before trying these amazing crystals!

Depression can be caused by an imbalance in the chakras. Healing Crystals and Stones and a touch of spiritual protection can totally help you heal!

Depression can be caused by an imbalance in the chakras. Healing Crystals and Stones and a touch of spiritual protection can totally help you heal!


Solar Plexus Chakra-Based Depression. Try Citrine. 

Are you ready for a complete Solar Plexus Activation? Try a Citrine. 

For those of you wondering what a solar plexus is, it is the third chakra in your body. It sits right above the navel. This is the center of control and power. Often times depression is caused by an imbalanced solar plexus chakra. Signs of your depression stemming from the chakra include feelings of unworthiness, unhappiness, loneliness, anxiety, panic attacks, feeling a loss of control, feeling unmotivated, the inability to think positive, etc. Citrine is a great crystal for clearing and activating this energy center because of its vibrant yellow hue. This stone promotes feelings of joy and gratitude. One amazing thing about this stone is it holds no negative energy. Citrine can also help you manifest a specific intention and increase abundance! So whenever you are ready to take control of your life, feel empowered, experience happiness, and receive nothing but blessings from the universe - give this stone a shot. Other stones you may want to consider trying for your solar plexus chakra are Amber or Topaz.

Still unsure if Citrine is for you? Signs your solar plexus is blocked include: digestive problems/stomach tension, self-limiting thoughts, high anxiety and feelings of no control. 

Heart Chakra-Based Depression. Try Rose Quartz. 

The heart chakra is also a place where your depression could stem from. If this chakra is the root of your depression, it will show in the form of stress, self-loathing, inability to see one's own beauty or the beauty of others, holding grudges, obvious sadness (fits of crying, anger, etc.), or holding on to childhood wounds. Rose Quartz is an amazing healing stone for helping one overcome emotional wounds, forgiving the past, and receiving love in all forms. This is more complex than it seems: emotional wounds include grief, depression, stress, anxiety, self-loathing or low self-esteem. Forgiving the past can mean things that you have done wrong or things others have done wrong to you. Receiving love means the ability to receive love from others close to you, from strangers, from yourself, from the earth, from Spirit, wherever LOVE is around you - you will acknowledge it and accept it. If you are ready to start loving yourself and others, seeing the beauty in the world, living more compassionately, reducing stress, and taking time for self nourishment, Rose Quartz is totally for you! 

More signs this stone is for you: skin conditions/acne, negative self talk, poor hygiene, feelings of jealousy, and feelings of loneliness. 

If Rose Quartz does not seem like it is for you, try Mangano Calcite, or Rhodochrosite.

Third Eye-Based Depression. Try Amethyst. 

Amethyst is connected to the Third Eye Chakra and healing this chakra can help you see things for what they truly are. Sometimes we are exposed to distorted thoughts about ourselves and about the world through the media, childhood, or anywhere. Exposure to this kind of negativity clouds your third eye chakra and makes it hard to see the light that exists in the world. Your depression may also include difficulty sleeping, or the need to sleep all the time, nightmares, nervousness, difficulty making decisions or positive choices, or vigilance. PTSD can be very detrimental to this chakra, leading to serious depression and damage. Restore the energy of this chakra with Amethyst if you are ready to feel awake and have hope again. Amethyst can help you feel connected and in tune with yourself and those around you. This crystal can help you see your power, see your beauty, and recognize your potential. Charoite and Fluorite are also great stones to use for overcoming Third Eye Depression. 

Alternate signs this is the chakra in which your depression stems: You are experiencing insomnia, headaches or migraines, physical pain, you are making poor decisions, addiction, forgetfulness. 

Throat Chakra Based Depression. Try Amazonite.

Sometimes depression can stem from the Throat Chakra. This includes feeling like you are not being heard, not being able to explain yourself, feeling like it would be better to not speak at all, feeling like the people around you are lying to you, feeling like nobody believes you, and more. Sometimes Throat Chakra based depression can involve outbursts of emotions or the inability to express yourself in a positive and productive way. If any of this sounds like something you are experiencing, please remember you are not weird or crazy! Blue Calcite, Turquoise, and Chrysocolla are all great stones to help you gain power in your words and in your circle. These stones can help you feel confident in your words, eloquent, and charismatic. They inspire you to speak up and tell your story no matter what it is. They embody courage, self-esteem, and integrity. These stones can also soothe the emotions, help you process them, help you sort your thoughts; so you can say and feel what needs to be said and felt and still be heard and understood by those around you. When the words flowing out of your mouth sound good and feel good, you feel good on the inside and the positive thoughts begin to flow in. This is very similar to the law of attraction! You can use Blue Kyanite to enhance this aspect. 

Throat Chakra Based depression symptoms can include sore throats, allergies, ringing in ears, feeling like there is something in your throat, and headaches. 

Root Chakra Based Depression. Try Pyrite. 

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. In the Seven Chakra System it is the first chakra. It represents the physical world. If you feel your depression is related to stress, fear, and doubt - chances are this chakra is out of balance. If you are struggling to find peace and feelings of safety at your home, job, family, finances. Often times you may feel intense feelings that your life is chaotic, you may feel like you are just floating away with all the stress. You may feel like you are on autopilot going along with the motions and can't catch a break. This is because you are not grounded. Take some time in nature and wear a Pyrite, Smokey Quartz, or Agate. These crystals can help you become more in tune with your body, take one thing at a time, and feel safe and secure in your physical world. They help you feel more present. 

Signs you need to activate your Root Chakra are if you struggle with addiction, lower back pain, anxiety, career difficulties, feelings of discontent, fatigue, exhaustion. 

Crown Chakra Based Depression. Try Spirit Quartz. 

In some cases, depression can stem from your Crown Chakra. This is very common in HSP's (highly sensitive persons), empaths, psychics, etc who have not yet understood or grasped their gifts. If you feel cut off from the world, people around you, and the universe; if you blame the universe/god/others for your problems; or if you live in a great deal of fear or misunderstanding, or even hopelessness, chances are your crown chakra is blocked. Spirit Quartz, Tibetan Quartz, and Herkimer Diamond are all great stones for attuning your connection to the world, your gifts, and activating your Crown Chakra. Feeling linked with the universe can help restore your sense of faith in the future. You may experience a sense of belonging, togetherness, and love for the world around you and the life you live. 

Other signs your crown chakra is blocked include pain, lack of interested and motivation, feeling "foggy", fatigue, anxiety, judgmental thoughts of others, and clumsiness. 

Sacral Chakra Based Depression. Try Carnelian.

Your Sacral Chakra is the second chakra, located below the belly button. It is the center of where you harness your passion. When depression stems from your Sacral Chakra, you may experience a loss of interest or detachment, difficulty enjoying your life, difficulty embracing who you are, a loss of motivation, or loss of desire. Loss of desire can mean sexually, creatively, work-related, etc. Sacral Chakra stones are great to use to combat this kind of depression so you can regain your passion for living and live life to the fullest. You can regain your energetic levels and clear this chakra with Carnelian, Fluorite, Fire Agate. Carnelian is a great stone for activating the Sacral Chakra with its fiery orange color. It embodies the sexual, creative, and energetic God/Goddess inside all of us. Bring that part of you back to life by wearing or sleeping with this stone. 

Other signs your Sacral Chakra is blocked: feeling unworthy, abnormal menstruation/reproductive issues, urinary issues, fear, feeling stuck or lost, inability to focus.

Healing Chakras Can Bring You Back to Harmony and Happiness.

I hope this information has been helpful. Please remember I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. Love & Light and good luck using these tools to assist your emotional wellbeing. 

Keeping up with Resolutions with Crystals

Now is the time that most are either ready to give up on their New Years Resolutions, or might already have given up. However it is not too late to try again. Every day is a chance to improve your self and your life. So... are you ready to give those New Years Resolutions another shot? 

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Crystals to Boost Creativity

Struggling to find your creative talent? Unsure of where to begin? Experiencing artist's block? Let these crystals inspire you, motivate you, and boost your creativity. 

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Crystals for Coping With Death

1. Rose Quartz

The main feeling associated with the death of a loved one is grief. Everybody grieves at their own rate and in their own way. Rose Quartz is a great crystal for relieving the feelings of grief, guilt, and trauma. The great thing about this crystal is it works so gently and is so supportive. A customer of mine once wore a Rose Quartz pendant during her own grieving process and texted me to say, "I think the Rose Quartz is really working!" When you receive the uplifting energy of Rose Quartz, it is not something you feel, but something you recognize. You don't feel happier, you don't feel calmer, but you notice something is missing - sadness, loneliness, and blame. Rose Quartz helps us shed and release all the negative emotions we may be facing, and restore our heart with feelings of joy and hope. To use this crystal, I would make sure it is with you through your entire grieving process. Investing in a necklace, ring, or pocket stone would be the best choice. Outbursts of emotions can hit at anytime during the grieving process. Rose Quartz is there to support the heart when it is in need and also fights against these "bursts". 

Rose Quartz can especially be supportive if the loss was for a mother, grandmother, or significant female role (or nurturing role) in your life. It is also known as "the mothering crystal" because of it's nurturing properties. This crystal can ease your pain, restore your happiness, and help you care for yourself just as a mother would. 

2. Lepidolite

Death can be one of the hardest transitions in our life that we face. Suddenly someone that was once a part of your life is no longer there. It may make some feel empty, some feel depressed, and some might also hold on to the idea that the person is still there. These are all common coping responses; however, the most important thing to do in the situation is let go. Lepidolite is perhaps one of the best crystals for easing transitions. We don't often think of the death of a loved one as a transition, but it surely is. This crystal will help one go through the transition of grief and also in the bigger scheme of things, it will help one understand the transition of the physical plane to the spiritual plane. It carries strong lithium levels for balance, so the feelings of anger, sadness, or anxiety will not surface as strongly. It also helps one accept tough situations as they come. If you think Lepidolite will help you, I recommend holding the crystal anytime you feel upset. Keep it in your pocket, wear it, or carry it in your purse. Spend as much time with this crystal as you can. Lepidolite can also be great if you or someone you know is facing the dying process. It may change the way you open up to and accept the idea that death is just another term for moving on to the next plane. 


3. Apache Tears

Native legend tells a haunting story of the Apache Tear (below). Reading the legend may help you understand the Apache Tear and its properties. This specific stone has been used all throughout history for the grieving process. It helps prevent further drain and damage from the aura. Whenever you are feeling heavy feelings of grief, hold an Apache Tear into the light and be reminded of the story below. 

The haunting legend about the Apache Tear is about the Pinal Apaches, who had made several raids on a settlement in Arizona. The military and some volunteers trailed the tracks of the stolen cattle and waited for dawn to attack the Apaches. The Apaches, confident in the safety of their location, were completely surprised and out-numbered in the attack. Nearly 50 of the band of 75 Apaches were killed in the first volley of shots. The rest of the tribe retreated to the cliff’s edge and chose death by leaping over the edge rather than die at the hands of the white men. For years afterward those who ventured up the treacherous face of Big Pacacho in Arizona found skeletons, or could see the bleached bones wedged in the crevices of the side of the cliff.

The Apache Women and the lovers of those who had died gathered a short distance from the base of the cliff where the sands were white, and for a moon they wept for their dead. They mourned greatly, for they realized that not only had their 75 brave Apache warriors died, but with them had died the great fighting spirit of the Pinal Apaches. Their sadness was so great, and their burden of sorrow so sincere that the Great Father imbedded into black stones the tears of the Apache Women who mourned their dead. These black obsidian stones, when held to the light, reveal the translucent tear of the Apache.
— http://www.crystalsrocksandgems.com/Healing_Crystals/ApacheTears.html

4. Selenite 

Some people are calmer during the grieving process and don't need help easing their emotions. For empaths, those who are more sensitive, and those who don't have a lot of experience with death, it may be harder to understand what is going on. The crystal I recommend for EVERYONE after someone has passed is a Selenite. This crystal is not for the emotional aspects of coping, but rather builds a connection spiritually that will remain. Selenite protects against negative energies and cleanses an area. After someone passes, this is very important to use because you are now thought of in a different plane. Selenite is also important to use after death because it connects us to the angelic realm - this includes angelic communication, guidance, etc. This crystal may help you connect to the one you lost in a bright and beautiful way. Sleep with this crystal or meditate with it if you would like to connect with the one you lost.