Crystals to Boost Creativity

So many times I have found myself tapping on my work bench wondering what to make next. I have all of the materials in front of me, I have the motivation to get to work, but what's lacking is the inspiration. Whether you are a writer, a painter, a jeweler like me, or maybe just trying a new hobby, these crystals can help you overcome creative blocks and insecurities. I have personally used crystals to enhance my creative abilities, to inspire new ideas, and to help me succeed with new mediums. I hope you too find this information to be helpful.  


Click the photo above to purchase this carnelian beauty, allow it to heal your creative needs! 

Click the photo above to purchase this carnelian beauty, allow it to heal your creative needs! 

Carnelian is the first crystal I always recommend for creativity because it can help in so many ways. First and foremost, this is the crystal of taking action. When you are stuck at your workbench unsure of what to try, this crystal will give you the motivation and encouragement to try at least something. It will make you feel safe when taking a new step. Carnelian can also help boost creativity because of its power when healing the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra deals directly with creativity and energy of all forms. Carnelian will directly heal the lack of energy or passion that holds you back from expressing your true self and your true passion through artistic mediums. Carnelians should be surrounding your art space: hanging, displayed, and worn. Its properties are powerful so I truly recommend giving this crystal a try. 


Click the photo above to read more about what Chrysocolla can offer. 

Click the photo above to read more about what Chrysocolla can offer. 

Boosting creativity with a chrysocolla is a very extraordinary experience. Because this stone works deep within the heart and throat chakras, it is the perfect stone to give you the creative energy you need. It opens and searches deep within the heart, then sends this energy to your throat chakra to be expressed in a powerful way; by allowing you to communicate your emotions, experiences, and true self. A big part of finding inspiration is allowing your passion, thoughts, and self speak through art. When you use Chrysocolla, you will feel a release stir through you and what you create will speak volumes, because it is made with your heart's strongest energies. 


Click the photo above to see more about this inspiration-inducing slice. 

Click the photo above to see more about this inspiration-inducing slice. 

Agate will also bring creativity in a unique way. This stone will heal the root chakra, eliminating feelings of commitment, insecurity, and judgment. This will relieve any unnecessary feelings of stress from your body, bringing a sense of clarity, confidence, and inspiration. This stone can also enhance perception, decision making, and will induce action. Allow agate to give you the extra push when you feel stuck or held back from artistic expression. 


Click the photo above to get in tune with the moon

Click the photo above to get in tune with the moon

Moonstones are used to help you synchronize with the phases of the moon. Being in rhythm with the moon's cycles can not only help bring you balance, positive behavior, and grounding, but can also inspire new ideas. By bringing the birth and manifestation of new ideas and passions, your creativity will be at an all new high. Using moonstone to resonate with the moon can create unstoppable trends of inspiration. So when you are feeling stuck or slowed down, get in tune with the moon. 

Spirit Quartz

Click the photo above to get in touch with your guides. 

Click the photo above to get in touch with your guides. 

This high vibrational crystal is very spiritually uplifting. It restores passion, imagination, emotion, and logic. When you work with this crystal, you will have a new approach to your artistic endeavors. This crystal can also help connect you with spiritual information, another great source for assistance in gaining ideas and inspiration for the work you might do.