How This Deadly Stone Can Actually Improve Your Life: A Guide to Malachite

Throughout history, this crystal was one of the causes of death to millions of people, but when handled correctly, it is one of the best healing stones for recovering from abuse trauma, it can help you during the birthing process, and can help improve your love life. Most people know this crystal because of its distinguishable bands and swirls of all shades of green. It is like a kaleidoscope of greens! It is also botryoidal so it resembles a grape-y texture, bubbling up in certain areas. You guessed it..... MALACHITE!

malachite killer healer and zen some


I find this so ironic because Malachite is a toxic stone itself, however it can help you detoxify your life! It can help you cut out dead-end friendships, dead-end relationships, toxic acquaintances, or bad habits and patterns. It can also help you physically and spiritually by detoxifying any EMF's or radiation you've been exposed to. 

Learning Lessons

Malachite is an excellent teacher in lessons. This makes it a great stone to carry when you are trying to heal a relationship, trying to shift your mindset, or just in general. It can help you pick up on the patterns and habits that are holding you back or are detrimental. It is a great stone for helping you to push forward, but not without true growth. 

When you wear this stone, you may suddenly see a difference in the way you think. You may suddenly start to think before you act or speak, so it is a great stone for learning cause and effect. In relationships, this stone is absolutely key because it can help you see what situations, words, or actions lead to an altercation. Many couples grow stronger with the help of this stone. Conversely, it can help give you the courage you need to push yourself out of a dead-end relationship and into a brighter future. 

Abuse Recovery

Because Malachite is such an amazing stone for learning lessons and pushing forward, it can help people understand why the abuse occurred to help them from blaming themselves. It can also help you gather the strength to grow out of fear. Many people who suffer from PTSD or have survived abuse live their lives in a state of vigilance, fear, and avoidance. This stone can help you be strong enough to live your life with a new style of confidence. 

For survivors of sexual trauma, it can get rid of a lot of the physical trauma that tends to linger. It is a great stone for the male and female sexual organs, so it can help reconnect you to your sense of sexuality so you can find pleasure in sex again. 

Malachite for trauma recovery abuse ptsd and zen some

"Midwife Stone"

Malachite is an important stone in a female's life. It can help heal the sexual organs, regulate hormones and menstrual cycles. It has been known as "The Midwife Stone" since ancient times because it can help ease the pain for women during labor and help them give birth pain free. Wearing this stone during labor or having it near you can help your body energetically fight the pain. 

!! CAUTION !! This Stone Is Toxic

Be careful when handling this stone, as it has a history of causing death! When tumbled or polished it is TOTALLY safe to touch. But be careful touching a raw piece by always washing your hands afterwards. 

In the Ancient Egyptian and Greek times and the 16th, 17th, and 18th century, it was very popular to use Malachite pigment in makeup. However, applying this green copper ore to one's face was later found to cause a series of serious symptoms, and later found to kill. 

This Emerald Green pigment was also used in paint for walls and art. Many people died because of the fumes of this paint emanating through their homes. It is said that the wallpaper in Napoleon Bonaparte's home (made of Malachite pigments) could be one of the causes of his death. (Source). 


  • DON'T use this stone for your yoni (as a dildo or yoni egg)
  • DON'T use this stone in gem water or ingest it at all 
  • DON'T inhale the dust particles of this stone (carving, drilling, etc) 


  • DO meditate with this stone!
  • DO wear this stone!
  • DO sleep with this stone!
  • DO add it to your decorative collection!
  • DO take correct sanitation procedures after handling it. 


AWESOME Malachite Products: 

Safe Malachite Jewelry

Handmade Wire Wrapped Malachite Stone Here by And Zen Some

Handmade Wire Wrapped Malachite Stone Here by And Zen Some

Remember the safety precautions of this stone, and enjoy the healing properties of Malachite! If you have any questions, please comment below. Don't forget to share this post to warn others of the dangers of Malachite, and enlighten others of its amazing benefits.



Part two of today's self-nourishment took place in the sun. I brought out some crystals, laid down a blanket, and prepared myself to meditate. Before meditating, I set up this crystal grid. Crystal grids are a powerful way to manifest an intended goal. My goal today was connection. The center of my grid is a large Amethyst cluster. This crystal was the inside of the grid to assist in connecting with my own inner peace. I surrounded the Amethyst crystal with an even number of Amethyst clusters to help me connect with balance. Inside and outside the circle are bright red begonia petals to help me connect with nature. Connecting with nature is very important - it is what grounds us. Around the Amethyst on the outside are long, white Selenite wands. Selenite is around the outside to help connect with the outside world - to allow angelic and divine guidance and protection. I set my intentions with the crystals and meditated my goals of connection upon this beautiful geometric, colorful grid. 

Today was about nourishment: about getting in tune with my mind, body, and spirit to find what I need. I decided to wear the Rose Quartz that you can find in my etsy shop. Rose Quartz is a crystal I believe everybody should carry. It is the stone of love, nourishment, understanding, and forgiveness. This crystal is often called the mothering crystal for its ability to nourish, comfort, and heal the heart. It provides unconditional love. It works to heal the heart chakra - the green vortex of energy located in the chest. When I wear Rose Quartz, I feel any sadness, anger, or worry leave my body to open room for self-love, love from others, and divine love. Wearing Rose Quartz makes my negative thoughts fade away, as those thoughts will only damage heart and spirit. I wear it as armor to protect my heart from the negativity of others. Conversely, I wear it to empathize, to know where the negativity of others stems from so I can understand their pain and help them heal. This crystal guides me into light and into love. I remember creating this piece in particular; love streamed through my toes from the earth, meeting the universal source of energy in my heart that entered through the gateway of my crown chakra. This energy helped me creates such a loving crystal.


Another way I love to nourish my body is to pay attention to what I consume. Lemon & cucumber infused water is my favorite way to rejuvenate and detox. This mixture contains so many good vitamins and minerals, it brings down blood pressure, it curbs appetite, detoxes, etc etc etc. I can't give this mixture enough praise - no matter how crazy I sound. I added some leftover begonia petals from my grid because they were full of the energy from the crystals and looked so cute floating with the other ingredients. I have a lot of stomach problems, but this mixture always relieves my body for the entire day. Not to mention, I feel revitalized and energized after drinking it. Certain foods can pollute our chakras. Eating clean does not just benefit weight - but can help the way our organs function, the way our mind works and thinks, and the way our emotions behave. Things like red meats, alcohol, fats, and any form of processed food could very easily pollute your spiritual body. It is important to absorb the nutrients of food from the Earth like raw fruits and veggies in order to achieve balance and wellness. Your body is your temple - treat it like it is!