Healing Crystals Every Taurus Needs to Have

Healing Crystals Every Taurus Needs To Have

Oh dearest Taurus, your natural sensuality and love for the earth is grown inside of you, and like the sturdy roots of a tree you are supportive and unwavering. Healing crystals are an excellent tool for you to use to connect to your earth element.

Healing Crystals For Taurus Sun Sign

(April 21 - May 21)

Click here to view the healing stones for your sun sign!


Like your ruling planet of Venus, you Taurus long for love and harmony which is why emerald is perfect for you. Emerald invites in loyalty and success while vibrating with a loving and harmonious energy. It helps to connect you with your inner knowing and heart chakra.

Malachite is another great stone for sun sign Taurus, it encourages risk taking and change, while releasing your inhibitions and simultaneously pushing you forward into new growth. Click here to read some amazing facts on malachite!

Taurus you tend to hold on to things emotionally, and forgiveness isn’t one of your strong suits; Rhodonite can assist in this, helping you to release and dissolve those feelings of resentment or anxiety and nurture your inner child as well as increasing your self-esteem and confidence.

Lapis Lazuli helps Taurus open up to your intuition and awareness beyond the material world in which you so often like to dwell. It unifies the mind and voice and helps you focus on what is important in life.

Mookaite Jasper encourages the stubborn bull to break out of the box and brings a desire for new experiences.

Blue Lace Agate helps to promote clear communication and compassionate listening for bull headed Taurus, while also dissolving fear. So enjoy your earthly gifts Taurus and use these healing crystals to help you bloom!

Emerald is not just the birthstone of May, but an amazing healing stone for Taurus to use. 

Emerald is not just the birthstone of May, but an amazing healing stone for Taurus to use. 

Every taurus needs a lapis lazuli! Nurture that energy with the power of this royal blue stone. 

Every taurus needs a lapis lazuli! Nurture that energy with the power of this royal blue stone. 

Blue Lace Agate pairs with Taurus Energy so nice! Fall in love with the deep blues of this healing stone. 

Blue Lace Agate pairs with Taurus Energy so nice! Fall in love with the deep blues of this healing stone. 

Taurus energy goes so well with this amazing healing stone! Shop for your Rhodonite here. 

Taurus energy goes so well with this amazing healing stone! Shop for your Rhodonite here. 

Malachite is the perfect healing crystal for Taurus Zodiac energy! Click here to find out why and shop for your malachite piece.

Malachite is the perfect healing crystal for Taurus Zodiac energy! Click here to find out why and shop for your malachite piece.

Contributed by Victoria Wolfram: Healing Crystals For Your Sun Sign

How to Relax Using Crystals

After a long day, in the middle of a difficult day, before you go to sleep, or before you start your day, it is an excellent idea to put aside ten-twenty minutes to heal your nerves and ease your mind. Whether it's stress, migraines, a racing heartbeat, or worried thoughts - there are crystals that can help you overcome what you are feeling. When you lose your relaxed state, you lose your control. When you lose your control, you give up your power and strength to ego. Sometimes it's hard not to lose your control and your peace of mind. To reenter the state of relaxation and control, however, is easy. 

For Headaches: 

I was able to heal my migraines with this Lapis Lazuli stone. Amazing!

I was able to heal my migraines with this Lapis Lazuli stone. Amazing!

Amethyst, Sodalite, and Lapis Lazuli are my favorite crystals to use for headaches and migraines. There are two quick ways to relieve headaches using one of these three crystals. If you are able to lie down for ten minutes, simply lay comfortably with your arms flat to your sides. Place the crystal of your choice on your forehead (or on your third eye chakra) or hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and take deep breaths - in through your nose, out through your mouth. Your focus should remain on your breathing and on the warm, vibrating energy of the crystal's contact with your skin. Inhale positive energy, exhale negativity. Inhale peace, exhale stress and worry. Inhale serenity, exhale pain. If you are unable to lie down, simply sit with straight posture and do the same. 

For Grounding: 

Source: http://www.yogajournal.com/pose/mountain-pose/

Source: http://www.yogajournal.com/pose/mountain-pose/

When the feeling that you are losing all control strikes, you are in dire need of grounding. Some other symptoms include feeling tired or drained, overstimulated and jittery, feeling floaty, misplacing things or being clumsy, feeling like you are stuck in an out of body experience, or not being able to keep track of important things or conversations. Some excellent crystals to use to solve this problem are Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline, or Kyanite. Feeling like you are not grounded comes from your root and earth star chakras. Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine and your earth star chakras are located at your feet. The best way to ground yourself and gain back your control is to stand barefoot - especially outside in the grass if you are able to - and hold the smokey quartz in your hand. The way you should be standing is known as "Tadasana" for yogi's. This pose is powerful to practice because it is a helpful way to regain power within itself. You stand tall with your feet apart and arms next to you with your palms facing outward. Wear or hold the crystal you are using. This will center you spiritually and ground you with the Earth. If you are unable to go outside or stand, you can sit upright with your feet touching the floor and take deep breaths holding the crystal you are using. Imagine what is below you - the floor, the grass, the dirt, the earth, all the way deep down to Earth's oldest layers. Now picture the energy from those oldest layers all the way up sending life and vitality all the way up from your toes, through your body, and beaming out of your crown chakra into the sky and then to the galaxy. You are one with the Earth. You are safe. Everything you need is provided for you. 

For Frustration: 

Labradorite (left) and Lepidolite (right) are great crystals for restoring inner peace. The colorful sheen Labradorite offers is enough to distract your mind from all frustration. 

Labradorite (left) and Lepidolite (right) are great crystals for restoring inner peace. The colorful sheen Labradorite offers is enough to distract your mind from all frustration. 

Frustration can be painful - when everything around you is not going as you wish it would. This type of feeling can be caused by people, work, life at home, etc. Some great crystals to use for this are labradorite, moonstone, and lepidolite. Labradorite and Moonstone are especially good for when people bring you down. These are two crystals that protect against energy vampires and will raise you to your higher consciousness - allowing only light and wisdom in and out. Lepidolite is better for stressful situations you may be faced with because it eases transitions. All three of these crystals are excellent stress relievers. The best way to use them is to sit or lie down holding them in your hand. Breathe deeply. Think of what is stressing you out. Channel this into the crystal you are holding and allow the crystal to channel it's energies into you. Remind yourself that other people and events are beyond your control and you should not allow those types of things to frustrate you. Affirm that everything has a way of working itself out. Allow the light of the piece of Earth you are holding to wash away your worries and restore you with the positive, calm energy you need. 

For Worry and Panic: 

Here I hold two Uruguayan Amethysts. The deep purple crystals put me in such a trance. 

Here I hold two Uruguayan Amethysts. The deep purple crystals put me in such a trance. 

Blue Calcite, Carnelian, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, and Aquamarine are the best crystals to use to relax during this kind of trouble. Worry and panic originate in the mind, and can easily be fixed by a change in thought. However, it is very difficult to retrieve thoughts once they slip into the egoic realm of negativity. After the mind is dominated by negativity, other parts of the body can very easily be altered and brought into a terrible state. Blue Calcite can specifically be used to relax the mind and the heart rate. Carnelian is best used to calm scattered thoughts or brain chatter that is not benefiting you and to keep your mind focused on proper action that needs to be taken. Amethyst and Rose Quartz can be used to relieve the mind of negative, worried thoughts and bring your heart and spirit back to a peaceful state. Blue Lace Agate and Aquamarine can be used to relax the mind and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. When you realize you are beginning to worry and panic, and it is too late to create a positive reality for yourself - try this technique. 

No matter where you are or what you are doing, hold one of the crystals listed above in your hand and focus on it. For this kind of problem, it is not necessary to be seated, lying down, or standing - though it may help to physically be relaxed. Close your eyes and bring your attention to the crystal in your hands. Breathe in and out deeply as you feel the crystal vibrate in your hands. Feel the warmth of the crystal spread through your hands. Let the energy of the crystal wipe away any worry in you heart or in your mind. Remind yourself that you are safe, happy, and healthy.